Episode 216.
          Dr. Rossi gives Rita an ultimatum. 

WA:       The world of Martin Peyton and Hannah Cord has been isolated 
          and secure for many years.  Now, that world appears to be 
          threatened.  A girl, who calls herself Ann Howard, has 
          returned to Peyton Place.  Hannah spots Ann.  Then Peyton 
          sees her. 

Intro:    People walking on the wharf.  Thomas, the chauffeur, is 
          driving Hannah and Martin in the limousine as they talk about 
          Ann Howard.  

Scene 1:  Hannah points out Ann to Peyton.  He observes to Hannah that 
          Ann doesn't resemble her twin, Steven.  Peyton tells Hannah 
          that he has been debating a plan.  Peyton says that he has 
          been debating it for several days. 

Scene 2:  Peyton goes in the Shoreline Garage to talk with Rodney.  
          Peyton tells Rodney, "Get up out of there and show me around 
          this grease pit."  Peyton tells Rodney that he envies him for 
          the time he has left to live.  Peyton asks Rodney how he is 
          doing.  Rodney tells Peyton that his margin of profit is 
          about 30 percent.  Peyton tells Rodney that it appears that 
          he has too much of his money tied up in inventory.  Rodney 
          says that he bought the inventory at 50 percent of wholesale 
          cost.  Martin leaves and returns to the limousine.  Hannah 
          observes that he looks pleased.  He tells Hannah to call 
          Attorney Wainwright in Boston.  He wants him down there that 
          afternoon.  Hannah insists on knowing what Peyton plans to 
          do.  He doesn't respond but tells Thomas to drive them home. 

Scene 3:  Norman walks over to Rita in the reception area of the 
          hospital.  Dr. Rossi walks up and invites them into his 
          office.  Rossi tells them that Rita is not going to 
          have a baby.  Rita says that she is confused.  Rossi tells 
          Norman to sit down.  Rossi lectures.  Rossi says that Rita is 
          run down.  She is undernourished.  Rossi gives her a 
          container vitamins.  He gives her a menu.  Miss Choate comes 
          over and gives him a note from Ann Howard.  Rossi asks if she 
          has heard from Dr. O'Brien on Rita's x-rays.  Miss Choate is 
          paged for extension 23.  Norman tells Rita that it is not the 
          end of the world.  

Sceme 4:  Rossi comes in the therapy room and talks with Ann Howard.  
          Libby Olsen has spilled the Crayolas®.  They talk about 
          Dr. Morton.  Ann asks Dr. Rossi what he told Dr. Morton to 
          cause him to let her remain working at the hospital. 

Scene 5:  Hannah comes down the stairs and tells Betty that she will 
          bet the door.  She opens the front door of the mansion and 
          greets Boston attorney Wainwright.  [This is the eldest 
          Wainwright who looks somewhat like "Dr. Death."]  Hannah 
          takes Wainwright's hat and escorts him upstairs toward 
          Peyton's sitting room.  

Scene 6:  William John Wainwright [seventyish] knocks on Peyton's door 
          and is invited to come in.  He tells Peyton he is glad to see 
          him.  Peyton tells Wainwright to sit down.  Peyton does not 
          use the name William or John.  He says that he wants 
          a new will.  Peyton says that he wants no possibility of a 
          raid on his estate.  Peyton tells Wainwright that Ann Colby 
          is back.  Peyton tells Wainwright that he is blameless and 
          rich.  Peyton says, "It's got to be possible." 

Scene 7:  Betty goes in the livingroom of the mansion and when Hannah 
          returns, Betty tells her that she is going home early.  
          Hannah goes to Peyton to tell him that she knows that Betty 
          has Steven's best interest at heart.  

Scene 8:  Steven comes in the livingroom of their new home and gives a 
          bouquet to Betty.  Steven says that he is taking her out to 
          dinner.  They sip some champagne together.  Betty tells 
          Steven that Peyton was with Wainwright a little while that 
          evening.  He came to discuss Peyton's will.  She thinks that 
          the change will hurt Steven.  Steven says that it won't be 
          easy but it has to be done.  I have to know.  Steven observes 
          that Rodney is living in the mansion.  Betty asks Steven what 
          he really wants.  Steven says "acknowledgement."  Betty says, 
          "Yes, it has to be done."  Steven hugs Betty. 

Preview:  Allison talks with Dr. Rossi.  Sandy talks with Lee.  Betty 
          talks with Rodney. 

          AM:  I'm so confused.  I thought I'd have the answer to 
          MR:  Alright, Allison, what is it?  What's wrong? 

          SW:  I look sideways at someone and you're ready to knock my 
               head off.  But you can ask me to fill you in on someone. 
               Well you can forget about her.  She's out of your class. 

          BA:  I just asked you a simple question.  I didn't mean. . .
          RH:  Betty, don't you know that all ex-husbands need to be 

Dr. O'Brien, radiologist-only spoken of.
Attorney William John Wainwright, Sr.-not credited in this episode.