Episode 72.
          Allison Mackenzie meets David Schuster. 

WA:       Constance Mackenzie and Elliot Carson were married.  And at 
          their wedding reception their many friends wished them well.  
          That is, everyone except Norman Harrington whose angry outburst 
          brought the party to an abrupt halt. 

MEL:      Second mention of Rita Jacks. 

Intro:    Pharmacy.  Square.  Harrington apartment. 

Scene 1:  Norman is reading the Clarion as Rodney comes in the apartment.  
          Norman promises not to embarass Rodney any more.  They go out 
          on the landing.  Norman says he bought a car for $50 down and 
          $50 a month.  Rodney says that is two weeks of his living 
          allowance.  Rodney tells Norman that he shouldn't have spent 
          the money.  Rodney tells Norman that he can use his car 
          "anytime you want to."  

Scene 2:  Sign:  Ada Jack's Tavern.  [Apostrophe in the wrong place.]  
          In the Tavern, Rita comes out of the bedroom and asks Ada how 
          she looks.  Ada says that "It isn't you."  Rita says that she 
          wants to change her image.  Rita irons her dress.  Norman 
          drives up outside. 

Scene 3:  Norman and Rita are parked in his car out in the country.  Rita 
          asks Norman if he likes her dress.  Norman says it is not her 
          style.  She says what style is that. 

Scene 4:  In their Dorset House hotel room in Boston, Constance and 
          Elliot talk about their future.  Constance asks what is the 

Scene 5:  In the mansion Doris comes over to see what Kim is doing.  She 
          realizes that Kim has taken a dinner bell from the Book 
          Gallery.  David admonishes Kim to ask, when she wants 

Scene 6:  At Doctors Hospital, Rev. Jerry Bedford is visiting a patient, 
          Mrs. Zito.  She invites him for an italian dinner, with Father 
          Kilpatrick.  He tells her to get well soon and leaves.  [Mrs. 
          Zito drinks from her glass using one of those expensive 
          bendable soda straws.  Peyton Place was definately made on a 
          budget but occasionally they splurged a little on props.]  Rev. 
          Bedford goes out in the corridor and chats with nurse Betty.  
          Bedford mentions that he and his mother used to eat at Mrs. 
          Zito's restaurant. 

Scene 7:  David Schuster comes in the Book Gallery to pay for 
          something that his daughter took by mistake.  Allison says 
          to let her keep the little dinner bell, as a present.  Schuster 
          doesn't like the idea.  Constance calls from Boston.  The 
          newlyweds have decided to stay another day.  Elliot comes on 
          the line and says that he hopes that Allison doesn't mind.  
          Allison suggests a book for Kim.  Schuster leaves. 

Preview:  Elliot talks with Constance.  Rodney talks with Norman.  Doris 
          talks with David. 

          EC:    If we don't give Allison breathing room, and if we don't 
                 demand it for ourselves, we're all going to suffocate. 
          CM:    Suffocate?
          RH:    Now this is just as much your house as it is mine.
          NH:    Slap on all the whitewash you want.  We don't belong 

          Doris: Why don't we send her to that school in Boston?  She can 
                 come home on weekends. 
          David: Don't be ridiculous.  We both have no intention of doing 

Mrs. Zito, Italian cook and former restaurateur-Penny Santon.
Penny Santon had an extensive stage and screen career.
Father Kilpatrick-only mentioned.